Patchouli Essential Oil

Ahhh, the smell of hippy heaven.  Surprisingly, that distinctive fragrance is an ancient one, even being burned with King Tut’s body.  Because of its value in treating hair and skin problems, it’s been widely used for acne, dry, chapped skin, and dandruff. Diluted it becomes a powerful healer for wounds and may help reduce scaring.  Used in ancient times, it repels moths!

This is an oil that you either love or hate, there’s no in-between with its strong, distinctive scent.  For those who like it, Patchouli may help relieve anxiety, calming nerves, and emotions like stress and depression.

Its anti-fungal properties may be helpful when diluted with athlete’s foot.

Internally it tones the stomach, intestines, and liver while improving the immune and nervous system.

1/2 oz glass bottle with orifice reducer

100% Pure Essential Oil

*Our essential oils are produced ethically and are free from chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

Gilley’s Naturals does not prescribe, diagnose, or offer medicinal cures for any of their essential oils or products.  All claims are drawn from personal recommendations from customers or personal use.  The FDA does not recognize our products as health essentials… and that doesn’t break our hearts at all.