Linen & Room Spray

You’re tired, and exhausted but can’t seem to relax into sleep. A few light spritzes of this light, relaxing spray may help. Lavender oil helps your mind stop racing, clary sage and rosewood gently relax muscles and nerves so you’re soothed into rest. Safe for linens and clothing, it may help add a comforting scent of home while traveling, especially with children.

Children suffering from ADHD or inability to sleep may be helped by this calming spray. Many children report being able to relax and fall asleep faster using the spray on pillows or linens.

Research shows the ability of lavender and familiar scents to help relax nervous pets when traveling. Spraying their beds before a trip, then again in the car or their crates, will help keep them calmer and more relaxed. It’s been proven!

1 oz amber glass bottle with sprayer

Our essential oils are produced ethically and are free from chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

Gilley’s Naturals does not prescribe, diagnose, or offer medicinal cures for any of their essential oils or products. All claims are drawn from personal recommendations from customers or personal use. The FDA does not recognize our products as health essentials ….. and that doesn’t break our hearts at all.